There is a girl who I used to be.
One who bent myself into uncomfortable shapes to be who I thought others wanted me to be.
Because the real me was too loud, too proud, too weird, too emotional, too much of everything.
In that bending something in me broke.
I lost connection, at times I lost hope.
In the breaking I wound up discovering who I truly am.
I am beyond any worldly definition of who I should be.
I simply am.
In that being I am exactly who and what I'm supposed to be.
In my doings I am creating and defining myself.
I get to choose each day how I show up in this chaotic world of ours.
I need no one's approval but my own.
I am a magnificent evolution of humanness.
A bumbling, stumbling mess at times- a shiny, bright light at others.
No misteps, for each fire that burned my ego sense of self to the ground- made fertile ground for my soul to grow.
My life is my practice.
Yoga is my guide.
Each of us has a different road to the True Self- I choose working towards living with conscious awareness every day.
Embracing the mystery each step of the way.
Now I look in the mirror and love who I see.
I wish the same for all beings to love who they are and then to move from there.
In Embodiment of your Truth in Love there are no mistakes.
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