The blog I wrote yesterday ended with: "Each individual soul is being called to unite on a very powerful level. Imagine what would happen if each human on Earth at the same time tapped into their soul- like if each human on Earth sat in meditation with their breath and tuned into the present moment, tuned into the thing that connects us all to one another- what do you think might happen? I have no idea but it sounds magical." Then this morning I woke up and a friend told me about a live global meditation broadcasting from India and I tuned in and did a 20 minute meditation with over 8k people. The global meditation was sent to me as confirmation that I am on the right path. It ended at 11:11am. Then I saw my bestest friend ever- a chosen family member who is the person outside of blood relatives who has known me the longest, then I did a virtual chat with 4 yogi fairy goddess that hold my heart, then I did this 5 minute practice with my sweet lavender hair. Enjoy. Believe in magic.